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Streamline Your Workflow With Secure Document Exchange


Eliminate the requirement to physically send and receive documents. This saves time and reduces costs associated with printing, shipping and the storage of documents. It helps your team make decisions faster which increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

With Secure Document Exchange, your documents are encrypted from end-to-end which means they can’t be read by anyone who may intercept them in transit or in the air. You can set permissions for users to edit and access files and audit trails provide the records of any changes. Multi-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security, blocking unauthorized access.

Foyer allows you to share PDF or scanned files via our secure portal. All you need is an internet connection. You can drag and drop files from your computer or select an upload option for your file. Foyer’s DMX Server synchronizes your local files, so you’ll always have the most up-to-date version of your documents.

You can even add policies to a folder or files42.nl file to limit its use, and you can use different confidentiality settings for each policy. Users who are not part of your organization are unable to access the files that are protected by policy that are part of your document security directory, or have signed up via an invitation email.

Thru makes it simple to upload and download files through our secure document sharing portal, allowing you to work with your internal team or external partners without losing control over sensitive information. You can even set up custom logos and even languages for features like headers platforms, messaging on platforms, email notifications, and terms of service to help maintain brand consistency.

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